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magtivio – Magnetic Beads for Separation of Biomolecules

magtivio Logo

magtivio designs, develops, and manufactures superparamagnetic and ferrimagnetic silica-enclosed iron-oxide magnetic beads. One benefit of their beads is low magnetic remanence - the remaining magnetization of the beads themselves after a magnetic field has been applied on them. Further features are the ease of resuspension and low sedimentation rates. Terminal functionalized groups can be connected to the silica coating of the beads.

magtivio – Magnetic Sample Preparation Solutions for Life Sciences

Magnetic Sample Preparation

magtivio is a producer of magnetic micro- and nanoparticles and complete kits for R&D life sciences and (bio-)analytical processes. They design, develop and manufacture two types of silica enclosed iron oxides magnetic beads:

  • Superparamagnetic - Designed in a composite, porous structure. These are easy to resuspend and exhibit low sedimentation rates.
  • Ferromagnetic - Manufactured with a relatively dense core-shell structure. This bead type has strong magnetic properties, making it more suited for large volume and viscous samples.

Terminal functionalized groups can be connected to the silica coating of both magnetic bead types.

magtivio’s magnetic beads and kits, available under the brand names MagSi and MagSiMUS, can be used for different modes of selection:

Positive Selection (MagSi)

The classic bind-wash-elute/react principle. Biological molecules are bound to the surface of the beads, contaminants are washed away while the beads are held to a magnet, after which the molecules of interest are eluted from the beads again. The purified, biological molecules (often DNA or RNA) are now ready for downstream processing. Alternatively, this positive selection mode can also be used in e.g., immunoassays.

Positive Selection (MagSi)

Negative Selection (Depletion) (MagSiMUS)

Contaminants in the sample are precipitated towards the magnetic beads’ surface, while the biological molecules/analytes of interest remain behind in the supernatant for further analysis.

Negative Selection (MagSiMUS)


Main areas of application include nucleic acid purification, immunoassays and protein analysis. More information can be found in the individual sections below. Their products are suitable for high-throughput utilization. During the Covid pandemic, magtivio produced and delivered beads and kits for more than 180 million RNA extractions, over 4 million per week.

magtivio Product Catalog 2023

  Nucleic Acid Purification

MagSi-(D)NA kits and beads as a solid support phase to isolate nucleic acids from pathogens, vegetal and animal tissues, body fluids and cells.

MagSi-DX Pathogen / MagSi-NA Pathogens


CE-IVD marked MagSi-DX Pathogen is intended to be used for the isolation and purification of viral RNA for subsequent in-vitro diagnostic purposes. The kit has been specifically validated for SARS-CoV-2 diagnostic workflows.

RUO version MagSi-NA Pathogens allows for the cost-effective extraction of DNA and RNA from a variety of sample materials like serum, plasma, oropharyngeal or nasopharyngeal swab, or any other respiratory samples. Purified total nucleic acids can be used for qPCR based or any other enzymatic pathogen detection method.


MagSi-DX Pathogen

MagSi-NA Pathogens


MagSi-NA Pathogens MSP


Classic sample pooling will still dilute your samples and therefore cause less sensitive and false negative results. Our solution, Magnetic Sample Pooling (MSP) does not only save reagents, but maintains your test sensitivity as it pools in a sequential and non-dilutive manner.


MagSi-NA Pathogens MSP


MagSi-DNA Plant CLS


The MagSi-DNA Plant CLS kit allows fast and cost-effective extraction of DNA from any plant tissue type. CLS stands for Cotyl, Leaf and Seed, which are the most commonly used sample types in plant breeding.


MagSi-DNA Plant CLS


MagSi-DNA Body Fluid


For fast and cost-effective extraction of genomic DNA from blood, saliva or swab samples. The magnetic bead-based kit can be used on fresh or frozen whole blood, fresh or preserved saliva samples or swab wash solutions.


MagSi-DNA Body Fluid


MagSi-DNA Animal


MagSi-DNA Animal allows for fast and cost-effective extraction of DNA from various veterinary samples like blood, semen, hairs, saliva/swabs or lysed tissue.


MagSi-DNA Animal

MagSi-DNA Animal | Aquaculture


MagSi-DNA Tissue & Cells


The MagSi-DNA Tissue & Cells kit is intended for manual and automated isolation of genomic DNA from mammalian tissue samples and eukaryotic cells.


MagSi-DNA Tissue & Cells




MagSi-cfDNA is intended for (automated) purification of circulating cell-free DNA from human plasma or serum samples. Processing time for the preparation of 24 samples is about 60 minutes.






The MagSi-DNA FFPE kit is intended for manual and automated isolation of genomic DNA from mammalian FFPE tissue or cell samples. Processing time for the preparation of 96 samples is about 40 minutes plus an additional paraffin removal step and lysis incubation.




MagSi-DNA Stool


The MagSi-DNA Stool kit is intended for manual and automated isolation of microbiome DNA (mixture of bacterial/microbial and host DNA) from fresh, frozen or stabilized human stool samples. Processing time for the preparation of 96 samples is about 60 minutes including heat lysis incubations. The obtained DNA can be used directly for downstream applications such as PCR or NGS.


MagSi-DNA Stool


MagSi-DNA Beads


MagSi-DNA beads can be used as a solid phase support in DNA extraction and purification protocols by using a simple bind/wash/elute principle. They are intended for own development of protocols and available with a range of physical properties and a silica or carboxyl modified surface. The new MagSi-DNA mf and MagSi-DNA mf COOH bead types are the new gold standard in many DNA extraction kits.


MagSi-DNA mf and COOH


Streptavidin-Coated Beads as Solid Support



Magnetic particles are used as a solid support phase in immunoassays. MagSi-STA are superparamagnetic silica beads with a surface coating of streptavidin for use with biotinylated antibodies.

MagSi-S COOH | MagSi-S Tosyl


MagSi-S COOH and MagSi-S Tosyl are the most suited surface modifications to use in conjunction with immunoassay applications.

  Protein Analysis

For proteomics, immunoprecipitation & IgG purification

MagSi-proteomics | MagSi-WCX | MagSi-WAX


Magnetic silica particles with C4, C8 or C18 modified surfaces for protein sample preparation prior to mass spectrometry or SDS-PAGE analysis, biomarker analysis and serum/plasma profiling.

MagSi-protein A | MagSi-protein G


Magnetic beads with a coating of Protein A or Protein G can be used for immunoprecipitation or IgG purification.

  Research Tools

Surface-Activated Magnetic Beads


MagSi-Tools are surface activated magnetic beads for immobilization of proteins (antibodies, enzymes), peptides, nucleic acids or other molecules of interest. Different surface modifications allow for choosing the optimal product for the right molecule to be coupled, and for the intended application. The MagSi platform has a broad range of functionalization possibilities such as COOH, NH2, SH, CHO, tosyl, hydrazide and epoxy. MagSi-Tools products are available with 600 nm, 1.0 µm or 3.0 µm mean diameter.

  SafeQ – Solutions for Sample Collection, Storage and Release

SafeQ Saliva Collection Kit


Fast and timely detection of coronavirus infection could prevent the closure of your company or institution. Detection of coronavirus is currently mainly done with nasopharyngeal swabs. These can be unpleasant or painful. In addition, medical personnel are required for taking the swab sample. A saliva test addresses these shortcomings by being painless and simple to perform. Moreover, many studies show the suitability of saliva for the detection of SARS-CoV-2 when performed on a regular basis (once or twice a week).

Repetitive saliva testing can help identify people who spread the virus but don’t show any symptoms. The technique is therefore complementary to existing testing strategies and can be used as a third wall of defense to keep companies and organizations open. SafeQ Saliva Collection Kit with its special inactivation and preservation buffer also overcomes a common challenge: SARS-CoV-2 infection of lab operators when handling patients’ samples.


SafeQ Saliva Collection Kit

  Magnetic Separators – For Manual or Automated Use



Magnetic Separators for Manual Use

These separators are intended for manual processing in microtubes, microplates and PCR tube-strips. The separators are available as transparent acrylic versions for optimal visual inspection needs and in chemically resistant polyoxymethylene (POM) for routine use of organic solvents. For detailed information about the resistance towards commonly used solvents, please contact our technical support department.

Magnetic Separators for Automated Processing

These separators are intended for automated processing of MagSi magnetic beads and MagSiMUS biological sample preparation kits in 96, 384 or deep well microplates. They include an SBS standard registration base for easy placement on liquid handling instruments and are suitable for separation in PCR plates and many other microplates. MM-Separator 32 FlipTube® is intended for use with Hamilton Star or other automated protocols using magnetic beads in FlipTubes®.

  rQ – Automation Ready-to-Use Kits

rQ MagSi-NA Pathogens

Total nucleic acid extraction for pathogen detection, automation-ready


rQ MagSi-NA Pathogens is an automation-ready-to-use kit for pathogen DNA and RNA extraction from a variety of sample materials like serum, plasma, oropharyngeal/nasopharyngeal swabs, or any other respiratory samples. It is based on the proven, market-leading MagSi-NA Pathogens kit. Components are delivered pre-filled in deep well plates to be directly used in PurePrep 96, 32, 16 or KingFisher automated, nucleic acid purification systems.


rQ MagSi-NA Pathogens


Automated Processing of Magnetic Separation Solutions

PurePrep Nucleic Acid Purification System


Optimize and automate MagSi magnetic separation kits from different matrices and workflows by using one of our four PurePrep nucleic acid purification systems.

PurePrep nucleic acid purification systems allow you to reduce your hands-on time and increase productivity while maintaining high yields and excellent reproducibility.

Please Browse magtivio Products:

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MagSi-DNA Stool (incl. GP Lysis Tubes) (magtivio Art. No.: MDKT00230096)
Unit: 96 preps
Price on request
MagSi-S Hydrazide 600 (magtivio Art. No.: MD19013)
Unit: 100 mL
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MagSi-S Hydrazide 1.0 (magtivio Art. No.: MD01013)
Unit: 2 mL
Price on request
MagSi-S Hydrazide 1.0 (magtivio Art. No.: MD03013)
Unit: 10 mL
Price on request
MagSi-S Hydrazide 1.0 (magtivio Art. No.: MD04013)
Unit: 100 mL
Price on request
MagSi-S Hydrazide 3.0 (magtivio Art. No.: MD41013)
Unit: 2 mL
Price on request
MagSi-S Hydrazide 3.0 (magtivio Art. No.: MD43013)
Unit: 10 mL
Price on request
MagSi-S Hydrazide 3.0 (magtivio Art. No.: MD44013)
Unit: 100 mL
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MagSi-S Epoxy 600 (magtivio Art. No.: MD16010)
Unit: 2 mL
Price on request
MagSi-S Epoxy 600 (magtivio Art. No.: MD18010)
Unit: 10 mL
Price on request
MagSi-S Epoxy 600 (magtivio Art. No.: MD19010)
Unit: 100 mL
Price on request
MagSi-S Epoxy 1.0 (magtivio Art. No.: MD01010)
Unit: 2 mL
Price on request
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*All prices in € excl. VAT and shipping